Sunday, November 23, 2008

Contractions CD

The other day I was driving the car that my husband normally drives.  In the console I found "Contractions CD"-- the CD I made for when I was in labor and the music I was supposedly going to listen to that would calm me down.  Right.  I listened to it just to see how much of a mental case I actually was.  It was lots of James Taylor ("Sweet Baby James") and James Blunt ("You're Beautiful")-- gag me-- and other such ridiculousness.   If I had only known...


Ryan said...

ACDC, Metallica, Guns and Roses, would they have been more appropriate?

Anonymous said...

you are amazing

Megan Gunyan said...

Ha, that's funny....I think I just tried to concentrate on breathing, let alone listening to music. Amazing, Jamie!