Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So I was making dinner and had to brown some hamburger.  Being the healthy person that I am, I went to rinse off the fat off the beef with a strainer.  Not only get I accidently get beef fat all over the floor, but I stepped in it too.  Gross.  I know, I'm just not that exciting these days.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rub a Little Salt on the Open Wound

Me: So today I changed the nastiest diaper of my life-- poop all down the leg and everything.  Kid hadn't pooped in days.

Em: So a few days ago I went on a private jet with the owner of the fat company I work for and delivered $50,000 to our contest winner in Arizona.

Me: I read a book that talked about a private jet once.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Favorite Christmas Card

My friend Dana wins for best Christmas card line.  It goes as follows:

"Well, there's a few good things that come with being in a recession.  One is we all get to find out what each other's natural hair color is."

Hands down, best line.

P.S. No, I do not dye my hair.